The Mallett Block was designed by architect W.A. Elliott and constructed by contractor C.W. Hall in 1904. The block was originally owned by William H. Mallett, a jeweler, optician, and watchmaker. Mallett operated his business at 833 Rosser Avenue until 1911, when the storefront was acquired by jewler William E. Crawford. Later, the building would be occupied by businesses such as Hub Clothing Co., women’s clothing store Miladi Ltd., and Shavers Furs Ltd. Over the years, the upstairs offices were occupied by real estate and insurance agent W.S. Webb; barrister Samuel H. McKay; contractor Charles W. Hall; and architects Shillinglaw & Marshall.

A detailed cornice embellished with dentils, brackets and brick corbelling crowns the top of the block. The brick exterior is decorated with both arched and rectangular windows. The windows are adorned with transom lights, decorative sills, and decorative voussoirs.